Areas of Practice

Workers Compensation


Protect your employees with Workers Compensation. Workers Compensation covers injuries while on the job. It covers medical and indemnity. Employers conducting work in the State of Florida are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance for their employees. Specific employer coverage requirements are based on the type of industry, number of employees and entity organization. To determine coverage requirements for a specific employer, the following information is provided by the Bureau of Compliance.

Construction Industry - One (1) or more employees, including the owner of the business who are corporate officers or Limited Liability Company (LLC) members.

Non-Construction Industry - Four (4) or more employees, including business owners who are corporate officers or Limited Liability Company (LLC) members.

General Liability


Business owners are constantly seeking ways to shield their businesses from the threat of lawsuits. General Liability insurance protects the assets of a business when it is accused of something it did (or didn't do) to cause an injury or property damage. General Liability insurance (GL), often referred to as business liability insurance, is coverage that can protect you from a variety of claims including bodily injury, property damage, personal injury and others that can arise from your business operations.

Professional Liability


As a professional you are held to a certain standard in providing your services. Legally, if a professional fails to exercise the degree of care expected and injury or damage results, you could be held legally liable. Professional Liability insurance covers you for negligence and errors or omissions that injure your clients, and sometimes third parties who rely on the services you provide your clients. Lawyers, Architects, Engineers, and Health Care Professionals are just a few examples of industries that may need Professional Liability insurance



Commercial Property insurance coverage is a necessity for any business owner. It covers most financial losses you may experience in the event the physical assets of your business to the building, equipment or outdoor fixtures are damaged. Commercial Property insurance protects your company's physical assets from fire, explosions, burst pipes, storms, theft and vandalism. Hurricane coverage can be included or excluded, while flood is a separate policy.

Commercial Auto


Commercial Auto Liability and Physical Damage insurance is a necessity if your business transporting people or goods using company vehicles. Liability covers damage you and your vehicle may cause, while Physical Damage covers your vehicle from damage.

Employment Practices Liability


Employment Practices Liability insurance provides protection for an employer against claims made by employees, former employees, or potential employees. It covers discrimination (age, sex, race, disability, etc.), wrongful termination of employment, sexual harassment, and other employment-related allegations such as wage and hour law violations.
